The Scottish Female Dress code

The Dresses and Mini-skirts

When studying in Glasgow or Scotland generally, you will see that the difference in appearance from day to night is like no other! As a foreigner, who did not have uniform most of her school life, all I can say is this: school uniforms explain a lot. 

A lot of your Scottish friends will have had school uniform most of their young life - and this may explain a lot. From what I have come to know is girls here try to compensate for the loss of control they had over their school dress code when they go out.

That being said - when Girls in Glasgow or Scotland dress up, they mean dress up. In Germany, when we say 'dress up' we mean black jeans and a nice top, or maybe a casual dress and some booties, and a little more than your everyday mascara. But here, 'dress up' means: a full face of makeup, fake tans and foundation shades 2 or three tones deeper than your natural skin tone, fake lashes and short dresses and heels. I mean honestly - power to them, because I neither enjoy or am able to walk in heels. As a naturally cold blooded human and foreigner I just look at these girls and think - aren’t they cold? And chances are: they are not. You have to keep in mind that the climate that may throw you at first (and be responsible for the cold you have every time you return to this country) is the norm for your Scottish mates. 18 degrees and sunshine to them is what 25 degrees and sunshine is for us Germans. Weird, I know – but that’s just the way it is.

If you are part of a sports team, you will usually be going out in themed clothing anyhow - just look at us in our Golf outfits. Would you have guessed?


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